Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blame Game

Genesis 3:12-13 - The man said, "The woman you put here with me--she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."  Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?"  The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."

I am currently dealing with someone blaming me for everything.  EVERYTHING is all my fault and this individual makes a point to tell EVERYONE.  As you can see from the verses, that even since the beginning of the world, the blame was cast off onto someone else.  

Think about this though.  If someone does something bad to us.... we have a CHOICE.  We can choose to do the godly thing or the bad thing.  AND that choice can only be OUR responsibility.  Unless someone forces you by violence, then YOU and YOU alone shoulder the blame/responsibility for that choice.

So looking at this, I can choose to bash and belittle that individual or I can choose to heed the verse that says "For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad."  I can just let the truth come to light!  God will bring the truth forth.

Friday, January 6, 2012

We will win the battle....

My focus today is going to be on Exodus 17:1-16

In Exodus we read about how Moses and the Israelites are fighting against the Amelekites.  As long as Moses' arms were raised, Isreal prevailed.  When his arms were lowered, they would be overtaken.  Moses' arms eventually got heavy and he couldn't hold them up anymore.  Would the battle be lost?  NO!  Friends stepped in to help!  Aaron and Hur stepped in and help up Moses' hands so that the Israelites received victory!

Much like this story, I have been going through a battle.  My "arms grew weary" and the battle was against me....  but the battle was NOT lost.  I had friends and family that stepped in to help!  They "held my arms up" so that we would prevail!  My war became their war.  The battle was won!  

How did they "hold up my arms?"  Through prayer, encouragement, support, giving food, gift cards, money, taking care of my kids, cleaning my house, etc.  My situation was hopeless in the earthly sense, but "with God all things are possible..."  

I would like to thank EVERYONE who has stepped up to help me during my liver shut down that took months to heal and during my current situation.  Your love, support and generosity amazes me.  I pray overwhelming blessings, blessings that are overflowing that you won't be able to contain them.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The AH HA moment

Every get that moment of "ah ha" after reading something over and over and over again?  Something all of a sudden pops out at you that you didn't notice before but was there ALL along?

Had that happen today!  I was reading the front of our church bulletin today.  It said "And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, EVERLASTING Father, Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6".  I capitalized EVERLASTING because that is the word that popped out at me today.  EVERLASTING... it means lasting forever or a long time.  Eternal.  God is our "Lasting FOREVER / ETERNAL Father!"  Did you catch that???  He will never leave you or forsake you.  He will be with you no matter what you do FOREVER.... 

Forever is a LONG time.... it NEVER ends.  We have a Father in Heaven that will never leave us or forsake us!  Let that sink in today as you go throughout your day.

:o)   God Bless You!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

Perfect time to start a new blog!  It is officially 2012!!!

Looking forward to many changes in my life and my kids' lives this coming year.  God has been teaching me to trust in Him and rely on Him and no one else.  If we rely on others, we are setting them up for failure & we will ultimately be disappointed.  But if we rely on God, He WILL never fail us!!!!  Isaiah 54:5 says "Thy Maker is thy husband...."  He will provide!  How awesome is that!  You shouldn't rely on a spouse, parent, child, etc.... RELY ON GOD!  This is my goal for this year.  To fully rely on Him and Him alone.  Will you join me????

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding.